Our Creative Process

New clients often wonder what they can expect when working with us, so we wanted to share a brief overview of our process. Our systematic approach enables us to understand our clients’ needs and business objectives and then develop bespoke creative video content to achieve those goals.

We put our clients’ needs and desires at the forefront of what we do, ensuring that through each stage of the process we have complete buy-in and alignment before moving on to the next one.

Looking at our extensive body of work, you may think that we’re always doing something different with the many types of videos we produce. The creative outputs are often quite different, but we use a consistent process to get there.


This process begins when clients send us a preliminary message expressing their interest in collaborating and telling us a bit about their project. This initial contact gets the ball rolling.

Discovery Call

The first thing we do is hop on a discovery call with our clients. This call, lasting about 30 minutes, is crucial for us to understand the objectives of the campaign, the target audience, and the desired outcome from the campaign we will produce. We work together to define distribution channels and gather comprehensive information in order to prepare a proposal.

If our clients already have an idea for the project, such as key messages, filming locations, performers, or filming styles, this is when they let us know. Establishing the video’s objective clearly at the onset ensures that everything that follows can lead to achieving that goal.


Next, we develop a proposal based on the insights uncovered in the discovery call. Our team reviews the conversation and outlines the key points of the project, including services, a broad creative treatment, team members, equipment, a statement of work, budget, and deliverables.

We brainstorm different formats and approaches to flesh out the creative treatment for the project. At this stage, we develop a rough outline or framework for the creative approach but we don’t begin developing the script and detailed story until we have the green-light. The proposal ensures alignment between Black Box and our client about the work that needs to be done.

Client Feedback

We ask our clients to review the proposal and provide their input before proceeding. This deeper dive helps us understand the brand’s voice, key messages, and any specifics that will help shape the video.


Once we reach an agreement and have a good plan in place, we proceed to establish the important production details. This includes developing the script, story, shot list, and possibly casting. On the logistics side, we secure locations, book crew, rent equipment, create schedules, and handle all other logistical aspects so our clients don't need to worry about them.


The production phase is where our creative approach comes to life. Our productions can take many forms, including television commercials, corporate videos, fictional scenes, docu-style interviews, customer testimonials, or influencer social media content. We bring in the right team and tools for the job, ensuring everything is ready for the shoot.


Post-production is where all the elements come together. We sort through the best takes and make selections to tell the story, keeping in mind our initial objectives and video marketing strategy.

Typically, we plan for two rounds of revisions, though additional rounds can be arranged if needed:

  • We start with a rough cut, focusing on story, interview content and shot selection. At this stage, the footage is not yet color-corrected, and the sound mix isn't done. This version is submitted for the first round of client feedback.
  • We then proceed to the fine cut, with greater attention to pacing, titles or motion graphics, shot transitions and overall polish. This version is submitted for the second round of client feedback.
  • Once we have picture lock (where visuals and timing are finalized), we proceed with color correction, sound design, final mix, mastering, and versioning for delivery.


Once we have every last detail of the final cut polished and in order, we deliver. Having established the platforms for distribution early on in our engagement, we know the right formats for where the videos will live, be it 16:9, 9:16 vertical, 1:1 or 5:4, etc. We take pride in getting videos to our clients on time and on budget.

Final Debrief

After delivery, we schedule a wrap-up call to review the project with our clients. We assess how successful the production was in meeting their goals, learn areas for improvement, and identify areas where we exceeded expectations.

This is valuable for both sides, as it ensures client satisfaction and helps us continuously improve for future videos. We also evaluate how the video is performing in the market and how it was received by the client and their stakeholders, looking ahead to the possibility of working together again in the future.

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