Behind the Scenes: Creating an Impactful Video for Colorectal Cancer Awareness

March 1, 2023 at 7:00 AM
by Black Box Productions

When Colorectal Cancer Canada approached us with the task of creating a video to raise awareness for Cancer Awareness Month, we felt we were about to embark on a project that could genuinely impact people’s lives in a positive way. Our mission was to inform viewers about the early symptoms of colorectal cancer and emphasize the life-saving potential of screenings.

Our crew was small but mighty, consisting of a director to lead the interviews, a cinematographer responsible for setting the look of the video, a second camera operator for additional coverage, a sound technician for clean audio, a makeup artist to ensure participants look and feel their best, and a production assistant. Our client was on-site, providing valuable feedback and interaction with the participants. Our goal was to craft a relatable, homey atmosphere for the video, choosing a studio setting with subtle art direction over a stark white backdrop or a formal office environment.

At the heart of the video, however, were the stories shared by those touched by colorectal cancer. Our team was deeply moved as we heard firsthand how a diagnosis could transform lives so dramatically. It was an emotional experience and our eyes did not always stay tear-free. We were not only touched by the stories of those diagnosed but also by the experiences of their loved ones, whose lives were profoundly affected.

Balancing the emotional weight of these stories with the objective of the video was a delicate task. We were committed to creating an impactful video that would inspire viewers to get informed and take action, while also respecting the experiences and emotions of our participants.We were careful not to take advantage of the struggles and losses they had experienced as a result of their cancer diagnosis.

The final result was met with enthusiasm from our clients. They shared their appreciation with comments like, "Thank you so much for the beautiful work! It was a pleasure working with you 😊" and "Thank you so much for the below, the whole team fell in love with it – great job BBP team!"

The true measure of success for us, however, was knowing that we had created a video that could potentially save lives by encouraging viewers to get screened for colorectal cancer. This project was a powerful reminder of the impact that storytelling can have, and we are proud to have been a part of it.

If you're over a certain age, getting screened for colorectal cancer can save your life. Similarly, if you're a marketing director looking to tell your brand’s story, partnering with us can ensure a well-crafted and impactful video. Our experienced team is ready to create powerful content that resonates with your audience and elevates your brand. Don't wait - contact us today. Together, we can make a difference in the health of your business. #GrowAwareness #GrowYourBrand

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